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Customise node properties

Adding a URL to nodes

To update the URL property of a node first select it then open Properties from the Node menu in the Tool Bar.

Updating node color, node size and label visibility

To update the node colour, size, and label visibility, first select the node(s) then navigate to the right-most section of the Tool Bar containing node label, palette, and size icons.

Colouring Nodes in a View

The assign a certain colour to a selection of nodes, use the palette icon in the view menu bar.

To colour nodes according to their layout in a view, use the Color By menu in the Tool bar and choose from one of the following options:

  • Group assigns each cluster of nodes a unique colour
  • Spatial Group considers the spatial layout of node clusters, assigning similar colours to clusters located
  • Density colours nodes based on their spatial density within the view. The density is calculated using a KDE approach with a default Scott Factor of 1/10th.
  • Spectrum - colour nodes based on the "graph spectrum"; can be used to visualise the structure of the graph. Nodes with similar connections should be assigned similar colours. Nodes with identical connections will be assigned the same colour.
  • Position (x-axis) colours the nodes from blue to red according to the position of nodes along the x-axis (red for higher x-axis value)
  • Reversed Position (x-axis) colours the nodes from red to blue according to the position of nodes along the x-axis (blue for higher x-axis value)

Setting metrics as node size and color

To colour data points based on their values across a certain metric, select the metric node then right- click and access Color/Size Successors from the context menu. Colour Successors by Edge Weight will update the colour of all successors of the metric node you have selected, such that data points with high values are red, and low values are blue. Conversely, Colour Successors by Edge Weight (Reversed) will assign red to the data nodes will low values of the metric, and bue to those with high values. All nodes which are not connected to the metric will retain their original colour.

To size nodes in a view according to a metric, first select the metric node then right- click on the view background and select Size Successors by Edge Weight. The nodes of a larger size are those with a higher value of the metric.

Duplicating Nodes

If you wish to duplicate your nodes before updating properties, simply select the nodes you wish to duplicate then use the Duplicate action located in the Node menu.

Last update: 2024-06-06