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Export and share

Copying Node IDs and Labels

First highlight the nodes you wish to copy, then to copy node IDs, right click to do so. To copy node labels, select Copy Labels option from the Node menu located at the top toolbar.

Sharing a View

To share a view, right-click on the title of the view you wish to share and select Copy View URL.

How to share a graph

You can share your workspace (graph) with user groups and individuals using the Share menu located in the top right hand corner of your screen.

Either enter individual email addresses or choose from your available user groups, then select Share to save changes.


Note that only users whose email addresses have been granted permission to access your graph will be able to view the links generated by clicking the Copy link button in the share menu or Copy View URL button in the view menu.

How to duplicate a graph

Prior to sharing a graph, you might find it useful to make a duplicate. Simply click on the Duplicate button found within the graph settings menu, accessible through the navigation drawer.

Exporting graphs

You can export full graphs or as a subgraph. Full graphs refer to all the views created in the graph. If you would like to only export a part of the graph, for instance; a selected number of nodes from 2 out of your 10 views, simply highlight them and export as a subgraph.


Exporting subgraphs act on the selected nodes in open views, creating new views for them in the subgraph. Open views that do not contain any of the selected nodes will not be present in the exported subgraph. Closed views will also not be exported in the subgraph, regardless of whether they contain the selected nodes or not.

Graphs can be exported as a native edge .ed file. This allows it to be re-uploaded as a new graph on Conode for you or anyone you share with to open.

Another option is to export the graph to networkx, a compatible JSON format which can be read in Python should you wish to open the graph there.

import json
import networkx as nx
from drisk_api.interfaces.nx import node_link_to_nx

graph_id = "123"
filename = ""

with open(filename, r) as f:
    graph: nx.DiGraph = node_link_to_nx(graph_id, f)

Export to CSV

To export a group nodes as a CSV file select the nodes you want to export, then select Export and Selected Subgraph as CSV. If your selection contains either just feature nodes or features nodes with row nodes, a single .csv file will be exported; with features as columns and rows as rows.

If your selection includes non-tabular nodes, 2 .csv files instead of 1 will be saved locally:

  1. ..._nodes.csv contains the following properties of every node in your selection: label, ID, URL, size, and colour.
  2. ..._edges.csv contains the weights of edges between nodes in your selection. Note that a DAG of depth 2 or 3 is considered here, otherwise an error will be raised.

Export as Image

Choosing to export as a png image only exports the current active view (indicated by the green bar under the view title). Settings within the view will be kept, so if grid lines and axes are visible, the resulting exported image will display as such.

Export to ZIP

Selected nodes can be downloaded and saved as a ZIP file by choosing Attached files as .zip.

Last update: 2025-01-03