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Fuse your data

Merge Nodes

You can merge any number of selected nodes using the Merge tools located in the Node menu. This action will reduce your selection to a single node, which obtains the combined properties of the input node selection.

  • Merge merges all selected nodes into a single node
  • Merge by Label merges nodes with identical labels
  • Merge into Predecessors merges successor nodes into their predecessor

Auto-Fuse Datasets

To speed up the process of fusing datasets, use the Auto-Fuse agent located under Data Fusion. Auto-Fuse examines all nodes within your selection, merging nodes with identical labels and eliminating duplicates among their successors. The result is one unified dataset devoid of redundant variables.

What is the difference between Merge and Fuse?

Merge will only affect nodes in your selection whereas fuse will consider the neighbours of your selected nodes.

Last update: 2024-04-12