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Upload data

Importing Data

To upload files into Edge, navigate to the Import button located in the top menu. You can either import data into an entirely new graph using New Graph, or to the graph you are currently working in New Graph.

The import can also be accessed from the homepage which can be opened by clicking on the d(risk) icon on the top-left.

There are two ways to import your data:

  • UPLOAD FILE to import any locally stored files,
  • UPLOAD FROM DATABASE to pull in data it from an external source.
Importing local files

The following structured and semi-structured file types are supported .csv, .json, .xml as well as media with extensions .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .mp4, .mov. ASCII Point Cloud data with extensions .xyz, .asc, .obj, .ptx and OpenScenario files with the .xosc are also accepted.

Importing from SQL

Import data to Edge directly from your database using a single query in Sqlite, MySQL, or postgreSQL.

Importing via API

Import data from a Web API using a HTTP request with the URL, headers, and JSON body with either a 'GET' or 'POST' method.

There is currently a 10MB size limit on each file uploaded to Edge. If you wish to work with larger files, pop an email over to

Starting Views

After uploading your data, Edge will generate some preliminary views as a suggestion of where to begin your exploration.

The first view will always be called Home and contain a full picture of the taxonomy defining your data. If more than one file was uploaded at a time, the home view will populate with multiple taxonomies which you can then fuse to create a single connected graph of all your data.

Depending on the type and content of file, other views which may open are Histograms, Bar Plots, Embeddings, and Spatial Views. You can see more examples of the types of views commonly opened during data upload in our Tutorials and Blog examples.

Last update: 2024-05-29